Welcome to our F.A.Q. page designed to help you to better understand our solution and to answer questions that you may have.
If you can’t find the question/answer you need, please contact us.

What are the main features of QuimeO ?

QuimeO has many features, the main ones being : activity monitoring, performance management, risk management and communication.

Can we request the development of additional features ?

Yes, as the application is customizable to your needs, we can develop additional features.

Is the QuimeO application multilingual ?

Yes, QuimeO is available in multiple languages : English, French, German, Spanish.
For more information on languages, please contact us.

Is the QuimeO application available on mobiles and tablets ?

Yes, as the application is web responsive (Responsive Web Design) it can be used from any device (smartphone, tablet, computer) with an internet connection.

Can QuimeO be connected to other applications/tools?

Yes, thanks to our API, QuimeO can be connected to other third party solutions such as ERP and Business Intelligence. This allows automatic data loading, avoiding manual data entry, and ensuring a continuous exchange of information between systems.

Can I import data into QuimeO ?

Yes, with our open API technology it is possible to import (e.g. Excel files) and automatically load data into the application.

Can we give access to a third party ?

Yes, there are configurable roles in QuimeO that give certain access rights to modify or visualize data.

Can I modify the QuimeO interface by myself ?

The QuimeO application is delivered and customised according to your specific needs. To continuously adapt the solution, the application has an interface that allows you to easily modify it without coding knowledge (No-code). A QuimeO consultant is assigned to each company to assist you.

How many projects can I manage with QuimeO ?

As the application is specialized in project portfolio management, there is no theoretical limit to the number of projects that can be managed.

Is the QuimeO application secure ? How does QuimeO manage data privacy ?

Yes, the application meets the highest security standards for data protection.  Security audits and penetration testing are conducted regularly by our teams to continuously improve data security and no technical vulnerabilities or logical flaws have been detected.
In addition, each client has its own server and database.

Is the QuimeO application GDRP compliant ?

Yes, the application is GDRP compliant.
For more information please visit our dedicated page.

How does the QuimeO application secure its users’ access to the platform ?

Regarding authentication, we use the SAML 2.0 standard to establish a single sign-on (SSO).

Where is QuimeO hosted ? Where is the data hosted ?

All data centers used by QuimeO are in France.

Can we host the data on our data center ?

Yes, it is possible to have the data hosted on your data center.

What are the different types of licenses ?

There are several types of licenses based on the needs in terms of visibility level (multisites, sites, projects) and frequency of use (daily, weekly, monthly).

What is the price of QuimeO ?

The price being degressive according to the volumes (number of license) and the uses (read/write access/sites/multisites), we made an estimation based on your needs.

How does our billing work ? What are the payment terms ?

The invoicing of the licenses can be done on an annual or monthly basis, usually paid by bank transfer.

How long does it take to deploy QuimeO ? How does the deployment work ?

In less than a week, a first version that meets your needs is produced. Once validated and the scope chosen, a workshop is set up to train and support the teams. The solution is then tested and deployed in real conditions to allow the teams to make feedbacks and implement these adjustments. The duration of the deployment schedule is generally between 4 and 6 weeks and depends on several factors (desired speed, level of complexity and standardization, …).

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